Sunday, December 30, 2018

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Gus Locati built his new car dealership building at 315 South 9th in 1947 originally hoping to sell the new Tucker automobile. However only 50 Tuckers were ever made; Locati sold Kaisers and Frazers instead. Photos courtesy of Dave Locati and Auralea Blackman.

August P. Locati at the grand opening.

The grand opening party included dancing in addition to food and drink.

In July 1948, the plastering company team bought four Frazer cars.


Gus Locati greets Don Haynes who stopped in on May 13 1949 while on his national road trip stunt.

Crowd surrounds Don Haynes car ignoring his "Attendant Car" nearby - another Kaiser.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Saturday, December 22, 2018