Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Downtown Walla Walla, May 1969. Photos courtesy of Douglas Saturno.

Abandoned Palace Hotel on 3rd behind Montgomery Ward store

Green & Jackson Drugs; Miller Studio

Payless Drug Store

Ben Greco tailors & cleaners; Jake Betz building

Tavern Row. North side of Main St between 3rd& 4th in May 1969.

Third Ave looking north. Odorless cleaners


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Classes in the 1930s at Davis School in College Place. Photos courtesy of Douglas Saturno.

Carmen Breen in back row wearing bow tie, June 1935


Eugene Breen in back row 6th from left, May 1936

Carmen Breen in 1st row wearing neck tie


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Foxfire - interviews with Walla Wallans conducted by Wa-Hi students in Al Worthington's class, 1979-1980. Copy courtesy of Al Worthington.

Charlotte Wirth

Fred Mitchell

Bryan Brewer

Jacob Baker

Elenor Bellmore

Harold Duff

Herb Bellmore and Dan Dowdy

Peggy Hoyt

Mabel Groseclose