Marcia Roedel, June 21 1955, at Washington School |
Roedel's at 244 E. Alder, June 1950 |
Marcia Roedel by Washington School playground, June 1955 |
Binky Schock, 1952 |
BYGONE WALLA WALLA PROJECT BY JOE DRAZAN is a local non-profit, non-commercial effort to build and share a visual history of Walla Walla. Use SEARCH box or the INDEX, or just scroll. CLICK ON IMAGES TO ENLARGE; right click & open in new tab for even LARGER view. WANTED! Your old snapshots, slides, or negatives of Walla Walla area places and events to share in this project, please contact me to get them scanned in; over 500 individuals have so far. CONTACT me; c2025
Wagon Wheelers present the colors in the arena |
Grand entry into the arena included 250 horses |
This old grandstand was razed in November 1955. Note Pavilion on the right. |
Bowling team, May 29 1956 |
St Patrick's High School, Feb 21 1955 |
Texaco gas at Commercial Tire Service in front of old Keylor Grand Theater remains, Jan 28 1955 |
Tommy's Dutch Lunch, June 19 1955 |
Union Pacific Depot at the foot of Main Street, October 1961 |
Utoco gas station and Vitart Studio (far right) on E Main street, Aug 1955 |
Wa-Hi football team with Coach Wooten (right) at Wolfson's Drive-In, ca1955 |
Whitman College Ski team, December 1954 |
James and Ruby Wishart, operators of the Marcus Whitman Hotel cigar stand, June 1955 |
Choral group on stairs of Bon Marche, ca1955 |
At Bowlaway lanes, March 1 1955 |
Tex Brotherton (in plaid) and his car sales staff for a seminar in Grand Hotel, June 2 1955 |
Demolay sweetheart dance, May 7 1955 |
Drumheller's store and Capitol theater, Sept 15 1955 |
Garden City Feed Mill, 123 W Alder, May 30 1956 |
Grand Hotel Barber Shop, Jan 28 1956 |
Grand Hotel Barber Shop, Jan 28 1956 |
Livesay Toy House Volkswagen van, Oct 31 1954 |