BYGONE WALLA WALLA PROJECT BY JOE DRAZAN is a local non-profit, non-commercial effort to build and share a visual history of Walla Walla. Use SEARCH box or the INDEX, or just scroll. CLICK ON IMAGES TO ENLARGE; right click & open in new tab for even LARGER view. WANTED! Your old snapshots, slides, or negatives of Walla Walla area places and events to share in this project, please contact me to get them scanned in; about 500 individuals have so far. CONTACT me; c2025
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Wedding at the Walkathon in the Apple Show Pavilion in Freewater, OR, 1931.
The Red Apple Walkathon was held in the almost new Apple Show Pavilion (now the Community Building) in Freewater, Oregon on July 27, 1931. When the event was over the organizer absconded with the proceeds, but not before staging this wedding ceremony for Nick Grosgebauer and Edith Brunton of Walla Walla. He told them that it could be annulled right after the stunt, but they chose to remain married for life. Thanks to their daughter, Cathy Grosgebauer Niva, for sharing this photo and the story behind it.